Aug 22Liked by Will Selber

I was draft age during the Vietnam War, but I did not go thanks to a student deferment and the creation of the volunteer army before I graduated college. TBH, I don’t completely regret it. Your writings are helping me understand the magnitude of the sacrifices that people like you made so that my family and I could live our relatively comfortable lives. There is no way we will ever be able to repay you for your sacrifices. Including and especially the sacrifices you are still making as a civilian. There is no way to properly express my gratitude for the things you have done, and for the writing you are doing now.

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I think you just did, Larry. And I appreciate it. Truly.

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The very best expressed thank you I’ve ever seen.

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Aug 22Liked by Will Selber

Sometimes ugliness and pain become become beauty and joy. Thank you, Will Selber.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

One of your best. You are Healing Loudly. Hugs and lobve from a mother who thinks you are a beacon to others, a role model of how to heal, a wonderful family man, a whole-hearted person, a brave and courageous warrior and supporter. I am in awe of your character and what you did for Afghans and family and friends. Pops and I will forever be proud of you. Your love for little Alice is the same that I have for you. After 20 years of not being able to see you I look forward to this part of our lives. So proud of your healing journey. And to add a bit of context to the photo of you at Arlington. That was one of the times I had the honor of being with you there on those sacred grounds. I took that photo and it so represents your entire military time for me.

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Incredible. I remember those days in DC. Thank you for everything you have done for America and Afghanistan.

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Thanks for revealing your inner most thoughts and pain. And the joy that family brings. Writing is your best gift - at least that I see. It brings healing for you and for readers so much insight.

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