I am a lawyer, and I recommend never talking to a cop who might arrest you. Tell them you will talk after you’ve met with your lawyer.

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Will, notice that this lawyer thought your advice was perfect except for one additional line. Keep calm and save money!!!

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Hope you will have a lovely peaceful time on that island.

Here I come again with some unsolicited advice. When I was doing my world traveling some decades back, I wore a grouch bag around my neck where I kept my passport and travelers checks. There may be a hipper way to stow a passport these days. However, I would put a note in a grouch bag around your neck that says you have occasional psychological troubles and suggest a method of getting your crazy ass back to Texas if necessary. As the Boy Scouts say: “Be prepared”... for every eventuality.

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I'm so sorry for everyone who has to worry and live in fear. It's so wrong I don't know where to begin. Grrrrr. Praying for all of you!!!

Hope you have a fabulous Vacation Will. You deserve it. Enjoy yourself and come back rested and refreshed and ready to carry on. Take care!!

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