We are in a dangerous time in this country. When Mike Johnson says that this verdict and trial and judge should be brought before the Supreme Court, and adds that he knows a few of them "personally" and that they aren't happy, too, then I think that we should all be scared. SCOTUS will be ruling on presidential immunity soon.

An unsettling number of citizens don't know about the U.S. involvement in wars, in other countries, the sacrifices of the men and women serving our country, or that Mike Johnson is second in line to the Presidency. I am, however, not a passive person so I will continue to do what I can to preserve our democracy and not let Trump and Trumpers take over.

You continue to do good work, Will. Thank you. And to add to Kathleen's note, take time to enjoy the love in your life. :)

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Well said!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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At the core of this is Willโ€™s reference to the all volunteer force. Crucial step in the American erosion, because it made sure wars were not fought by the children of decision-makers, but people the children of decision-makers could not possibly have known due to social distance. Iโ€™m a hypocrite, because I personally was very happy to miss the draft for Vietnam. Had I been a little older I would have benefited presumably from a student deferment. But it was clear by the end of the 70s, when Carter sought to re-introduce draft registration, that the privileged young people At the University where I was doing graduate work had happily internalized the idea that war was for other people who did not have their brilliant career prospects.

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Jun 1ยทedited Jun 1Liked by Will Selber

Here I am again commenting for the third time on the same post. If anyone wants to call me "mouthy," they are entitled.

I have been talking to Europeans about Americans' disinterest in other countries for many years. The only excuse I can offer is that Americans have 330 million people to keep track of in 50 different states inside their own country. It's a real challenge for New Yorkers to contemplate the reality of Idaho, South Carolina, Hawaii and Alaska inside the same brain. I bet the average European is much more interested in Europe than he/she is in Africa.

But the citizens of one of the two greatest powers in the world should be doing a lot better.

A pivotal event in my own life came when when my mother hung a map of the world in my bedroom when I was about 8 years old. Compulsive reader than I that I am, I knew almost all the countries by the time I was 10. I also tried to figure out that if you dug a hole to China, where exactly you would come out, and realized I could not possibly calculate that accurately.

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This made me *smile*. I was the boomer who put up maps of Iraq and Afghanistan in my home office. Moving pushpins was how I followed advancing troops-aided of course by the media. I was a lifelong #GOP (until DJT) who knew little about war.

As long as the stories are told, there will be another "ME" out there who decides to pay attention and sees how much there is to learn, appreciate, and support. Admittedly, I live in the midst of few, but I remain hopeful for the future because of my grandchildren.

Keep speaking out/educating. It helps.

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If it matters for 1% of the voters who show up on November 5, it will matter. Problem is we don't know which way will matter.

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Jun 1Liked by Will Selber

โ€œMy point (I think) in all of this is that a country that doesnโ€™t give a shit about its government losing a war that started with an attack on the homeland isnโ€™t going to mind electing a felon.โ€

Yup. I keep coming back to this Voltaire quote lately: โ€œHistory is filled with silken slippers going down stairs and wooden shoes coming up them.โ€ Weโ€™re definitely in the silken slippers phase of that cycle of nation states.

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Will, you idiot, it still matters to hear about the love and life in YOUR daily existence, because it reminds us there is still so much good in the world that it is worth fighting to have more.

So, I formally rebuke you f-ing idiot. Just as so many others who have served under you before.

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Oh I love your posts Will. You always make me think. Still can't believe people don't know the difference between the Wars in Irag and Afghanistan. But then again after reading the comments from the people in my state (Indiana) regarding the conviction of Trump, I can and am very disheartened. How did people get so stupid is my question?! Sorry for being so blunt.

I was Blessed to get a fine education but I realize many have not. I know I took it for granted too and it wasn't until I got older and a little wiser did I really appreciate this Country and the sacrifices people like you have made for it.

Thanks for another very thought provoking post. I will try to get caught up on your podcasts this weekend. I always enjoy them. Thanks for all you do Will!! You are indeed a treasure. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ’™

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Well, those we all seem to be threatened by apparently care a lot to overlook everything staring them in the face. So, why are we failing to make the indifferent care?

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Youโ€™re quite a character โ€” gets a dame thinking, thoโ€ฆ

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Facts are one thing. Conclusions are another.

Your statements get me thinking. Too soon to say what my conclusions are, but some are pretty close to yours โ€ฆ

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