Very valid points, thank you. I am not sure I agree with you about the AR-15s, but I am not well-schooled in the field of armaments. I had thought maybe if folks could have access to them on a shooting range that would fill a niche, but in the end it all comes down to enforcing existing laws and helping those in emotional stress before a tragedy occurs.

Yes, those people in that photo ARE scary and remind me of Edgar in MIB: "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers".

I would like to point out that I lived in Texas for about 27 years, from 1981 to around 2009, in Dallas and the immediate area, and out in Commerce. Saying Texas is a somewhat red state is like saying a jar full of red jelly beans with 3 blue ones is somewhat red. Just sayin'.

Thanks again from a blue jellybean.

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I don't live in Texas anymore. I live in Kansas, which tilts red, but has a Democratic governor. And even when it's red, it doesn't get Texas red.

Thanks for reading, Mary.

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I look forward to reading more of your articles. Thank you for your service, Will.

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When you were through shouting, did the clouds answer? Lots of straw men in that blog post, but I wish you the best

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Not really, but I appreciate the sentiment, nonetheless.

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As a fellow Texan, old goat, libtard. May I respectfully ask your opinion on mandatory schooling and registration? Like our automobiles ( I know privilege vs rights) they are used in the public domain. And, again like vehicles, there are individuals who should not own either, if not for their incompetence in usage. Hell, if I were dictator for a day. I'd apply the same rules on couples before they're allowed to breed. Ha

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Good article...I just signed up for a concealed carry class

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Amen. Agree with every one of your points.

(BTW, wrt to shotguns, for putting a real smile on your face try the Benelli M4. 😉)

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