My uncle walked from Normandy to Germany. Because German is still spoken in Pennsylvania (200 years after immigration), he could debrief German POWS just behind the frontline. He survived, too. He played checkers the way Germans play cards, by slamming the piece down on the board with a thunderous crash.

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Good on him! And I grew up just east of Lancaster. My dad’s family were German immigrants to Philadelphia in the mid-19th Century.

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Memorial Day is my favorite holiday, because it allows me to reflect on the sacrifices of others (including an uncle in the Air Corps I would never meet) and appreciate them.

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I hope the next time we knee jerkedly decide to go on some military misadventure that before we decide we remember everything Will has written and said and maybe we won’t be so quick to go to war without a damn good reason.

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We've had lessons after lessons, from our relatively short history as a country, to learn from. Unfortunately those who know better either aren't in the correct position or care enough to sway the Kings and Queens from causing harm to We Peasants. Also, we humans wants for competition has always overpowered our need for Peace at every turn. Sadly Vietnam wasn't enough of a horrific shit show to cause a moment's pause before beginning another unnecessary war in the Middle East. Fuck the innocent people....collateral damage happens.... It is what it is!!!

Both those fuck-ups had similar strategic mistakes. Both had been warned of the dangers of troop shortages. Both had been called unnecessary. Both had a White House spewing garbage to sell them. Both hinged on an election to end them. Both had citizens that didn't give a crap. But hey. It's okay...., we Americans at home didn't get dirty . Or more importantly have our entertainment interrupted. Game of Thrones continued to air, as thousands of innocent people died elsewhere. And, it'll happen again, and again. Why? Because we love our entertainment....oops.... I mean Wars.

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Now this makes me happy. Welcome home son. You have turned a corner. Best Memorial Day ever .

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Have a great time in my State, enjoy your visit and may it be both peaceful and stress free as possible.

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You write with obvious love for your fellow soldiers as well as for the Afghans themselves. Please keep writing. Your voice is very important

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I reread your article from last Memorial Day. I keep those names and dates on my nightstand. You should repost every year. I’m grateful you lived. I’m thankful for all you’ve done to help others. I’m happy that maybe you’ve inched around a corner and found a bit of peace. Peace you deserve. Enjoy your time in Corpus Christi. Until next time.

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Well, that's truth in advertising.

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Sorry this is late in commenting Will. I've been having a little Advocacy burnout and needed to take some time off. I'm so glad to hear you're turning a corner. I hope you have a great visit home. Wishing you the best Memorial Day ever. Your column has a huge Blessing to me and I'm sure many others!! I hope you know that!! Thank you again for your service. It's a huge part of what of I do every single day. Godspeed my friend.


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