May 10·edited May 10

A Mother's Overwatch:

Thank you for your kindness and gentle memories of our lives. That is the best Mothers Day gift you could ever give me. I am blessed to have such a wonderful son that remembers me, Pops, and all of our lives. You are blessed to now have the same in your own sweet little family.

And you are right --Mommas love you like no other. It's an unconditional love and we want nothing else but your happiness and success. As I have always told you, Mommas are the ones that when you call and say "hey mom I just killed someone" their answer is "hold on I'll be there with the shovel". At least that is the way we roll in the South. We are not perfect but we are fierce. And we Never quit.

About my veteran advocacy--I always figured that you were thousands of miles away so the thing I owed to ensure your safety was to help other veterans get through their healing. I looked around and saw that our campus had 10% veterans and military connected students out of 38,000 so my mission was clear. Truth be known I also was trying to bargain with God... Give me my son returning and I will help all of the others. It was indeed a ridiculous idea but still an example of what Mommas do. Every veteran I have ever sat across from became you and you taught me about every veteran. That is why I cannot quit because well you came back ok-- a little bruised and hurt but ok. So I must fulfill my side of the promise.

You are the best thing I ever had a hand in doing. You are indeed that confident and strong person who can do anything you take on. It is a blessing to see your life unfold and I will remain doing overwatch until they put me into the spot next to Pops. I have much awe and respect for the man you have become.

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To appreciate and honor is the best gift ever.

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Love this.

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Like many people I no longer have my Mom. If you still have yours, let her know how much you value her.

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