Thank you, Will. Where have all the statesmen gone? Truly sad to see McCain and now Lieberman leave us.

I seem to be "tribeless" as well, and though Liz Cheney is more conservative than I, her quote is where I find myself again:

"I certainly have policy disagreements with the Biden Administration. I know the nation can survive bad policy. We can’t survive a president who is willing to torch the Constitution."

~~Liz Cheney

Rest peacefully Joe Lieberman. You are another who leaves a wonderful legacy.

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He was a personal hero of mine. He stood for civility and debate over principles and our country. I will miss him and McCain and Charles Krauthammer also. I would love to think the 3 of them are sitting on some bench together up there having a discussion. And also shaking their heads in disbelief about how stupid we all are.

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Everything very well said. Thanks, Will. I didn't always agree with either McCain or Lieberman but I respected them both a lot. Strictly a random choice, but I wore McCain's POW bracelet during the Vietnam war. I don't know what happened to it after the POWs came home; I think we donated them for some reason. Of course, in 1973 I had no idea what life had in store for McCain. I used to respect Lindsey Graham but not now and never again. John McCain helped to temper Graham's political 'hacktiveness' but you see what's happened since McCain's passing. Lieberman did the same, I think. Graham had nice words to say about Lieberman on twitter yesterday. I think he was sincere...

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Until next time.

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Truly, a decent man and politician. A rare combination these days.

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