Jun 5Liked by Will Selber

My brother,

It's sad that every Afghan, from a young age, is aware of the terrorists, but American media doesn't educate or inform the public about them to keep them safe. These individuals are not Afghan, and Afghans are not bad people.

Recently, I spoke to a friend who currently lives in Afghanistan, and he mentioned that people who cannot speak Pashto or Dari are obtaining Afghan nationality documents from the Afghan National Identity Department (Taskira). These individuals are increasing every day, and if the US government continues to ignore them, they could pose a bigger threat to the US than 9/11.

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Khail, I’d only suggest that the last sentence is incorrect. It’s not that they COULD pose a bigger threat that 9/11. I’d argue they almost certainly WILL pose a threat greater than 9/11. 9/11 was before social media. 9/11 was before the Arab Spring. 9/11 was before the rise of ISIS. 9/11 was before 8/7/2023.

The world is more accessible (digitally and physically) today. Terrorist have more safe havens today (and growing). The world is more polarized today because of the social media (read: TikTok) algorithms. Our adversaries actively stoke (and even introduce) disinformation spreading to shift popular views against democracy, and freedom loving people around the world. All while the majority of those same freedom loving people pay no attention.

Side note: I saw your episode of the podcast. Excellent job! Even as someone who thinks they know a thing or two about Afghans and Afghanistan, I learned so much from your stories. You’ve helped me voice better the story about what happened and why Americans should care. Thanks brother!!!

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You are absolutely right. English is my third language, and sometimes it is difficult to express exactly what I am trying to say.

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Khial I saw you when spoke with Will. You are certainly an impressive man and are a great asset to our Country. It is very frightening that Haqquini is still around and I pray that our intelligence services are monitoring him appropriately. Sure hope so!! Welcome by the way. Hope all is going well for you and your family. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Hi Lisa,

family so doing fine thanks for asking.

I hope intelligent do something about him.

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Me too!!

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Also Khial thank you so much for your service. As many Americans remembered the 80th Anniversary of D-Day today and the defeat of Fascism, I remembered I hadn't thanked you for all you had done while serving with our Soldiers. Please accept my Thanks and Gratitude. 💙🇺🇸

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No worries brother. I find most native English speakers couldn’t speak as informed as you in most these topics. Your insights are clutch!

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I'm putting more blame on Bush for the longest War in our history. Is the Taliban evil? Yep, as well as Hamas, and many other terrorists who can't seem to allow people to live in peace. You would think since we're so "concerned" about the Middle East we'd have studied the countries and learned a bit of their culture, especially after And perhaps questioned our motive. After 9/11 I realized how we got ourselves messed up with Nam. My neighbors are too busy with their entertainment to be bothered. Strategically you should know your enemies, the territory, and the other citizens of the country and how they live and believe (think) about their own Kings and Queens. I used to believe that with enough of a populace educated, Wars would lessen. I no longer believe that youthful wish.

I'm truly sorry for all of the losses we've had in our Wars, but when will We Peasants learn that the Kings and Queens don't always have us in their best interest. Hell, nearly half of our neighbors want to install a terrorist as our POTUS. Humans greed shows us our problems yet we refuse to learn. We could definitely use a few more thousand individuals like yourself spreading the truth, but I fear too many would fear loosing either their job (military) or power for those so inclined.

Teach The Children Well.

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Bush should have leveled with the American people out the gates in the “dust” of 9/11. Bush should have said, “We’ve been able to identify that the terrorist group al-Qaida is behind this attack. They planned this attack from Afghanistan where they’ve been provided safe haven and enabled by the Taliban. As we speak I’ve ordered American bombers to strike Taliban targets in Afghanistan and US Soecisl Ooerations forces are enabling anti-Taliban forces to rout the Taliban from power. While are efforts to topple the Taliban government will be decisive we must know that this will not be an Operation Desert Storm 100 hour war. It will be a long war. Afghanistan has been riddled with by decades of war and when we topple the Taliban government we will enable the Afghans to determine their own rule. They will need our commitment for the long haul. We will nation build because there is no nation left in Afghanistan from the decades of war. We will commit to a peaceful Afghanistan that never again serves as a harbor to terrorists to plan and project their evil across the globe. This commitment to Afghanistan will outlast my administration. It will outlast my generation. It may just outlast me. But it will never outlast America’s will to support freedom loving people around the world as our collective security requires enduring cooperation. Good night. God bless you. God bless America.” But alas, I think he expected a 100 hour war.

But, all the fault doesn’t fall on Bush. Obama told the Taliban (and Pakistan) how long the US would commit. And it wasn’t enduring. And they waited him out.

And then Trump. Dear God what damage he did. Negotiated the defeat of not only the US but the Afghans as well without even giving them a seat at the table.

And then Biden… oversaw the final betrayal. You can argue that he had no choice because Trump had negotiated the defeat. But you didn’t have to abandon our allies. You didn’t have to pull out the enablers. You could have done a lot of things very different. But he didn’t. 4 administrations have this “blood on their hands.” And America is less safe today because of it.

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I'm not as optimistic about the ability to rid any area of extremist, religious beliefs. Unfortunately, that's what the Taliban, Hamas, and others are about. We installed a "stable" government in Iran years ago. We know what happened. Religion won over . Afghanistan is very tribal,as you know. I don't see how a central government can retain peace and power equally. Similar to what is happening here in the USA with the Supreme Court ruling on abortion. And with that as their beliefs, they bestowed their beliefs on all American women. The same gender who had zero voice in our Constitution, or the Bible for that matter. . Now, with the Court's "beliefs" they'll have to make the abortion pill illegal. If not, then their overturn of Roe would be wrong as well.

Yes, you're completely correct about all of our Kings and Queens, they rather enjoy keeping We Peasants uninformed. We seriously need a new approach on our ability to invade and retreat without extensive knowledge of the aftermath we leave too often due to political hacks and their inadequacies. Hell as much info that was available about our fuck-ups in Nam. The complete truth wasn't available to We Peasants, the actual people who paid for it, until much late.

II feel like perhaps a military rule, similar to what Brazil had, may turn We Peasants into caring citizens, who can hire better individuals to run our lives.

Thank you for your time, reply and intelligent, thoughtful information you're sharing. Perhaps another 200,000 plus years of practicing, just getting along with each other, may finally teach humans what peace is.

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Rid Afghanistan of extremism… maybe not. Enable the Afghans to continue to fight against those extremists and not allow their country to become a safe haven, I believe we could have. But then we quit.

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It would be fantastic. But I fear we'd never be able to leave any country we tried to change into ideal.

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You guys are both very intelligent. I hate the way we left Afghanistan. And Iraq for that matter although that wasn't quite as horrific. I hate the way we treat our Vets. I've learned that much from Will Selber and others like him I know.

Right now however I'm primarily focused on what's happening re: the major threat THIS country is facing. Freedom vs. Fascism. The freedoms all these brave men and women have fought and died for. I pray we can win in November. That's what I'm fighting for. Every single day. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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I'm right with you, and hopeful we might be okay this go round trump didn't win the last time with the popular vote. Unfortunately, it certainly won't be the end of the fight. We'll get another one worse than trump trying their hardest to get their hands on democracy. trump has now set a new level of low, someone else will shoot for even lower.

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I know Glen. It's so so scary. I pray we can make some reforms at least. Maybe if we squeak this one out people will realize they must stay involved. That's been my biggest lesson through all of this. Democracies must be nourished and protected. You can't be asleep at the wheel. Sure hope so!!

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I’m reeling from the pain these truths stir in my heart. Your raw honesty is deeply appreciated by one of the thousands of mothers whose precious sons and daughters died fighting the evil this man perpetrated and represents. 💔

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Will, I'm going to give you a very cynical take on why the US government did not try to educate people about the war in Afghanistan. They made the mistake of shining too bright a spotlight on Iraq and got more Monday morning quarterbacking than they ever wanted to have. Thus, they did everything they could to distract the attention of the American public from the war in Afghanistan.

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Oil. All about oil. Ya think?!

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No, I don’t think it was all about oil. Honestly. I think it was blind patriotism but the whole of society, including those of us who volunteered to serve after 9/11. We wanted the stories coming from the war zones to be about how we were always winning and how we were making a difference. Because a tough, multi-generational campaign to forever remove a terrorist safe haven just isn’t politically popular ever. War. Is. Hard. And Americans no longer have the grit to withstand it. We want 4x 15 minute periods broken by a music and dance routine and then at most a couple more minutes of extra time. But then we need to spend the week discussing how we (generally a unit we observe and have. I practical influence over) are going to do it better next week (or season). Or, we want to dump ice water on our heads ahead of all our friends so we’re not left out of the new latest social media trend (FOMO).

We don’t want to face the truth. We don’t want to pay attention. We don’t want to have to invest the energy and the brain bytes to learn about a country halfway round the world, why it matters, and what compels its people. We want the Cliff notes. We want it to be “all about oil” or “Shias and Sunnis have hated each other for thousands of years” or “Afghans aren’t a peaceful people and they don’t want democracy” because that’s the least expensive reasoning in terms of brain effort.

Unfortunately, those least expensive reasonings are generally completely void of fact. America has one of the world’s largest oil reserves; we don’t need Iraq’s. It’s easy to get from Alaska (a peaceful place) than a war zone like Iraq. If Afghans didn’t want democracy why were they clinging to the landing gear of a C-17 that represented the last piece of democracy leaving Afghanistan?

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P.S. I'm very sorry if I sounded flippant or disrespectful. I certainly did not mean to.

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Ok. Thank you for explaining that to me. I am trying hard to understand. That's one of the reasons I came on Will's site in the first place.

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I have you the benefit of the doubt that the question was a genuine question. That’s my honest assessment of why American society failed to understand the war(s). Just reading Will’s writings puts you at least a step ahead of most because you’re engaging in ways most won’t. For that I thank you.

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Thank you James. ❤️🇺🇸

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Thank you very much for introducing this international terrorist to the American people.

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*... after Vietnam.

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Thank you. ❤️🇺🇸

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O. M. G. For once you've left me speechless Will. It is so fucking shameful. Beyond shameful!! All I can say is I'm so damn sorry that so many people care so little. I care. For what it's worth. 💔🇺🇸💙😢

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