Having spent a little time in Afghanistan back in 1976, studying their history, and paying some attention to what was going on during the war with Russia, I knew it was a HUGE mistake for the US to go in, and stay in, as we did. It was never going to end well, despite the valiant efforts of you, your comrades, and our Afghan allies as long as “the powers that be” failed to allow you to fully complete your missions. Reading Michael Vickers’ recent book was infuriating and depressing.

Take care of yourself, Will, as only then can you continue to care for those you love. Thank you for all you have done for Amadullah and his family, and for letting those of us who supported your efforts know that he and his family are safely in Vermont. What else can we do to help you?

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Lots of pain in these words. You've seen and experienced things I never have. I can only hope that living a long life will help you reach a place of greater peace. One of the benefits of aging is the perspective of distance. It doesn't undo what came before, but it helps you see how that pain shaped you in ways that gave your life greater meaning. I'm speaking for myself, but i wish that for you, too.

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G*d bless you, Barbara. And thanks for reading.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

You are certainly well on point. Twenty years, two trillion dollars, and the best efforts of men and women like you, both civilian and military, only to have two administrations blow it. But I’d argue that from the start our government misunderstood what the American people truly wanted. They didn’t want a twenty year plus nation building expedition. All they wanted was OBL’s head on a platter. That’s something we could have accomplished in the first few months. That’s the true agony of this whole situation. But rest assured my friend that we all deeply appreciate your work in Afghanistan. And perhaps we’ll learn our lessons, lessons I thought we learned from Vietnam but apparently forgot.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 25

There are many of us who are right there by your side. I am just angry, you and so many of your fellow veterans have been impacted. I see it every day in their faces and lives as well. I am very proud of your upholding the honor of helping the Afghans to safety. But now this is your time for taking care of yourself. Your courage and honor are amazing. We have lost our way in the country.

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Thank you for sharing honestly with feelings so many veterans have but can’t express as well as you.

While your writing informs us I hope the process heals you.

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Please...get yourself to Milledgeville Georgia and Comfort Farms.

We are veterans.

We get it.

We gather and have each others back. It is a special magical place.

I promise PROMISE that we've got your 6.

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Will, anything I say will be trivial if heartfelt and well intentioned. Your hurt is so palpable. May healing come. You will find a way to bless others, and this Substack has blessed me. Thank you for sharing your heart with others.

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I agree with Barbara - so much pain in these words. Your honor is in tact. You are loved and your efforts are appreciated. I continue to pray for your peace. Fight for it.

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Remember that our country is made of many different people. It seems you are angry at an apathetic caricature of what you despise. I've done this before as well, and it seems we all do it to degrees. For me, it is a MAGA caricature that looks something like an unemployed, uneducated hillbilly who has nothing better to do than watch FOX News all day and generally act like a bigoted asshole. These are some of the people who prefer dictators to democracy (and will actually say such on TV). They want something delivered to them that was lost (well, not really). This pisses me off to no end... as a conservative! Where is the ambition, the goal-setting, the drive, the American spirit? If it is money you desire, go for it. If it is a job you enjoy, then get the skills to perform it.

I could go on, but I know that what I'm angry at is a caricature, a mirage. Well, some of MAGA really are those people, but it's a fraction. So those people whose conversations you overhear, remember, might not be what you think. Most people, myself included, do in fact feel the way you do, but not as pronounced, because you made it a part of your life. Afghanistan and Iraq will remain somewhat abstract for anyone who has not been there. Just as war is abstract for anyone who has not experienced it. I can honestly say that I believe part of your current "job" is to make these things more concrete in people's minds.

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What can I add to these wonderful comments already stated dear Will? Just please please know how much of a Blessing your writings have been to me and so many others. I hate that you're in so much pain. Please know that I am praying for you!!

From the very first time I read your column and you were sharing your feelings on ptsd I felt like I'd come home. While I'm not a Veteran, there have been times during the last 30 plus years dealing with my own ptsd I have felt like I'd been in a War. Dealing with these awful feelings each and every single day is sure not fun and it never ever goes away as you know.

Plus I've learned so much already from you. About foreign policy, how our Country and government operates, the mistakes we've made, etc. and what we can do differently going forward. You matter Will. They day you brought that precious family home I cried tears of joy. I showed that Picture to my remaining Maga friend and said this what real men do!!

But what really hit me the most was your last post and that song. It touched my heart in so many ways. Yes the army does need to prepare you on how to lose just as much as they do on how to win. Then maybe you all wouldn't feel so lost when when you return home. I pray you can find some relief from the pain you are experiencing here soon. It may sound cliche but one thing I've learned in Recovery is doing service work. Takes my mind off myself. Just a thought. Not that you haven't done enough for others already. But it truly does help and you have so much to offer!!

Keep reaching out. Keep talking. Don't give up. You are loved!! It's so obvious here. Thank you for ALL you have done. Not only for us but for the entire Country. It's people like you that encourage me to keep doing what I do too. Even when I don't feel like it. Keep up the fantastic work. Please. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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