Apr 3Liked by Will Selber

Other favorite military euphemisms:

“Escalation of Force (EOF) Incident” = we machined-gunned some innocent people at a checkpoint/convoy because their vehicle didn’t stop in time and we suspected they were suicide bombers

“Enhanced Interrogation Techniques” = “we tortured some people” as Obama put it

“Person Under Control” (PUC)/“Detainee” = these people are prisoners of war, but we don’t want to give them all the rights afforded to POWs under the Geneva Conventions so we’ll call it something different

“Extraordinary Rendition” = we *suspect* this dude is a terrorist and the government of the country he’s in might not be cooperative so we used a “black cell” to take him to a “black site” (more euphemisms lol)

“Targeted Killings” = assassination campaigns

List goes on. Great writings as always Will and very much looking forward to listening to the new podcast.

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Love this. I am learning a great deal from GCV and looking forward to the podcast. As an academic and a social worker we have our mind numbing euphemisms as well, admittedly more boring than military ones and with far less significance and reach. I will spare you examples :)

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Here’s another mil/IC euphemism that comes to mind post-WCK aid worker killings by the IDF:

“signature strikes”

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I effing HATE “thank you for your service.” It’s a throw-us-away comment that belittles the sacrifices troops and families make and ignores the true costs of war on soldiers, our society, the soldiers and people we’re fighting for, and those we’re fighting/killing.

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