I was born in a military hospital, and I grew up thinking health care was just something you got rather than something you had to turn yourself into a pretzel to obtain. My dad spent 20 years as a military musician, so we were not exactly the pointed end of the spear. But I also grew up with an absolute fascination with WWII and American history, both of which involved massive amounts of military effort upon which turned the fates of millions. The military is serious business, and it needs to be almost always at the top of our minds.

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This is what I call perfect timing! I know pretty much nothing about our military. While I have always held gratitude and respect for those who have served and who are currently serving, I always told my kids (since they were babies, seriously) that they should not (could not) join the military. Mostly, I would say this because the thought of them being killed is too much to bear. Also, my attitude comes from a fear of the military and disagreeing with much of the politics that seem to drive our country into military action. As of late, after my husband's nephew joined the Marine Reserves, I decided to face these fears and beliefs head-on. That's when I found a podcast with Will and a guy from the Bulwark talking about Afghanistan. I decided to follow you, Will, to legitimately learn and create more understanding. Like I said, perfect timing. As a side note (and of no less importance), Kate is beautiful, and I love her hair! 😍 Now, I'm off to watch the rest of the podcast past the podcast's introduction to the podcast. Thank you! ♥️

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Thank you Will as always. I don't know a whole lot about the Military. Please don't laugh but I became fascinated when I was younger and read every single one of Tom Clancy's Books. He was very knowledgeable as a Vet himself and I learned a lot about the Government and our Intelligence services. We are at a such a dangerous time in our History that's for sure.

I am honored to be a part of your Journey. I look forward to learning much more. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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I am so happy for you that you have tapped into your creative self to make sense of what you have gone through and are going through. Keep exploring! You have a lovely wife and partner, and I know that you don't need me to tell you, lol.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and stories and emotions. The only person who served with whom I have a close relationship is one of my brothers, and he chooses not to talk about his time in the service. I think he is probably typical of most Veterans, so I appreciate your willingness to close that divide.

I wish you the best and success at using all parts of your brain! I am an artist so that makes me happy you have begun a new journey. : )

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I like hopeful Will. I hope he comes out to visit again soon.

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