Apr 25Liked by Will Selber

LOL I used to read The New Republic, Weekly Standard and National Review, too. I never thought The New Republic was "conservative" but I was always looking for some balance. The National Review has gone completely off the rails in the Trump era. BUT I am a huge "The Bulwark" fan, I've been subscribed pretty much since the beginning.

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Old TNR was incredible — it was Left of Center. It’s not worth much anymore, tragically. Krauthammer used to write for them!

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Yes, I really don't read it anymore unless I stumble across a link to an article that looks interesting. I avoid National Review like it's the plague. Alas, for the good old days before social media and Trump/MAGA.

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The only people I like at NR is CW Cooke, Ponnuru, and Nordlinger.

I really loathe MBD.

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Apr 25Liked by Will Selber

I really love The Bulwark, The Liberal Patriot is pretty damn good. To tell the truth I started looking at Daily Kos because their Ukraine coverage was so good, especially the first year, even though I'm not inclined to be of that political persuasion. But I was and still am surprised at how loyal their readership has been to the Ukrainians. Other than that I usually flip around through news feeds looking for anything interesting.

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Honestly, my son is SF in Europe so Ukraine is really at the front of my thoughts.

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G*d bless your son and all of our troops in the fight.

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Thank you. You've done your share.

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Blas eh? You don't seem like a Blas. Sounds kind of elitist actually. Is that short for something? Glad you're having a nice visit home. It's always good to go home and see old places, family and friends. That explains your Southern expressions too. My brother lives in Dallas however he is like me, originally from Indiana. He has lived there since 1986 so it's home now.

I'm sorry to hear about your Father too. That must've been so painful losing him while you were fighting and were so far away. Glad you found those memories while you are home and were able to share them with your Mother. That is special.

I'm the primary caregiver for my 83 year old Mother altho I share responsibilities with my 2 sisters and brother. We are at the beginning of the end and it's one of the hardest things I've ever done. 💔😢

Which is why what you said in your post tonight about not letting the War define you really struck me. YES any of us can begin again and change who we are at any point in time. I have learned that in Recovery too. Earlier tonight in my NA Meeting we discussed Self-Acceptance. Many addicts struggle with that because we never felt like we fit in. So we turned to alcohol/drugs to self-medicate. I was one of those people. Mine was more trauma related as I was date-raped at age 15 by an entitled Football star Jock. He not only stole my virginity and made me walk home alone across town but then told everyone in school I was a sl#t so my entire first year of H.S. was miserable. He later on went into the Army special forces and became quite successful. (I've kept tabs on him) Why didn't I go to the police? Times were different back then. It would've caused a huge uproar and I was a very scared and traumatized young woman. Needless to say I have struggled with drugs and alcohol ever since.

My point to all of this is that we are many things all at once. The sum total of our experiences. I went on to college. Life got better. But I never really got over it. Then once again I got robbed and attacked at knife point ten years later by the son of a police officer no less. I was really f@#cked up then. Talk about ptsd. You get the point. Thought I'd never be able to sleep with the lights off ever again.

Thanks to a very supportive family, a lot of therapy and the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous I have managed to

put my life back together. I fell in love with politics in 2008 and became a Political Activist as a way of giving back. I was blessed to grow up in an upper middle class family. I'm a former Republican actually. Kind of funny I'm the only Democrat in my entire family except for my oldest daughter. Makes for fun conversations. Not.

So yes you do not have to let that War define you Blas..I mean Will. 😆 You can be anyone you want to be. Just have to put your mind to it and make it happen. I know its easier said than done at times and there will be good days and bad days. It sounds like you have some wonderful support in Charity and your family. Keep those support systems close and don't hesitate to use them. Isolating is the enemy. Take my advice for what it's worth. 😆 Hope the rest of your visit goes wonderfully. Always always keep the faith!! 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸💙

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

And it is indeed good to have you home for many reasons not the least to have help in going through the garage filled with boxes. I only cried once. :) You are indeed more than the war and now you are free to reconnect with that part of you that had to be hidden for so long. It is still there just waiting for you and it is poignant and wonderful to see you reaffirm, explore, and build yourself again. In a recent study using pictures taken by veterans of what they thought about their well-being (yes I am a professor so I am talking about research) our veterans in this qualitative study pointed to freedom as one of their most cherished parts of their well-being. And of course that is not a surprise given the military's structure but in this study their definition of freedom had to do with not the big freedom but the small everyday freedoms they had missed during military service-- eating what they wanted, having a pet, deciding their major, who they were friends with... those choices that us civilians take for granted. In many ways you are experiencing the same -- freedom to figure it all out again in your life. And it makes me so happy to witness after all of your sacrifices. There is no one more deserving. Somewhere between Blas and Will and all that lies ahead. You need your time to reconnect with all of it including being a Texan, your community of veterans, your paths to your future. You can't see how far you will go yet but I do. Welcome home and as always I will be cheering you on. Who says dreams don't come true? Well I think they do. You made it back from 1500 days in deployments and all of what you did there and life is sweet. As Pops used to say "Bo you did good".

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Kudos to Charity!

And such a wonderful mom!

(Now we know why you turned out so well💕).

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Sounds like there is a bit of peace revisiting Texas memories.

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Glad you’re having fun.

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