Agree with everything you wrote here regarding allies in general, but our “partnership” with Israel is almost entirely one-sided and so it’s hard for me to see them in the same frame as groups like those we worked with directly in Iraq/Afghanistan and elsewhere who have had direct skin in the game. Since when has Israel ever delivered its side of the goods as an ally? They blew up Olympic Games by deploying the malware without before we wanted to, which tipped our hand prematurely. They’ve never been involved in any of the conflicts we’ve fought. It’s only ever been us sending them weapons and money and getting little to nothing as a return on our partnership besides headaches to deal with from other Arab states. Like, the very *least* they could do is stop West Bank settlements and they can’t even bring themselves to do that. Not much of an “ally” in my book. They’re up there with the Pakistanis playing us like a fiddle from where I sit.

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PS: sub’d on YouTube!

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I get your point, and I do not believe we should be sending billions of dollars to a government actively committing genocide. Israel has been responsible for a lot more in Gaza in the past 6+ months than the WCK strike, and brushing it off doesn't lessen America's complicity. Our drone strike killing 10,000 innocent lives was horrible and wrong, and I fail to see how it makes our indiscriminate financial support to Israel or what Israel is doing okay.

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Perhaps you should look up the definition of 'genocide.' As I remember, it was Hamas who started this war by killing hundreds of innocent civilians and taking hundreds more hostage, most of which are probably now dead, mostly at the hands of Hamas.

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I agree with you.

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Will's analysis is helpful. It doesn't try to fit the alliances into an ideological framework. We don't have to read that Franco is really not that bad and here's 25 articles in the National Review to prove it. Just hold our nose and work with what we have. I don't like that Bong Bong Marcos is the President of the Philippines, but since they are asking for help as China pushes further into the South China Sea, I'm ok with it for now.

Even here - if speaker Johnson can get those aid packages passed I'll take it. Allies are where you find them.

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Boy this was an eye-opener. Whew. Can't imagine having to work with men knowing they were sexually/physically abusing men and children. I had heard rumors in the past but still. My respect for you and our Vets just went up several notches.

My main gripe with Bibi goes back to his unrelenting settlement expansions. He just never seemed to care about the damage this was causing and we know he doesn't support a Two State solution for Peace. I also agree what others have said about giving him further aid. He must address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. He must.

Haven't have a chance to listen to your Podcast yet Will but I plan on doing that this weekend. I know it will be great!! I'm so glad your writing and producing is bringing you so much joy. Keep up the great work!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Look, Netanyahu is a son of a bitch. No doubt. And I agree with you on the settlements. It's a problem. A big one -- and Netanyahu's alliance w/far right elements are atrocious. Winning at all costs isn't worth it in the end, especially if it sullies your reputation with w/your biggest allies.

People should just realize how hard it is to give humanitarian aid in the middle of a shooting war. Should he do more? Sure. Will that cause more IDF to get smoked doing that -- yes. Will that aid be pilfered by Hamas, thus ultimately making them stronger temporarily - yes.

In the end, Netanyahu is the least of our problems in the ME. I wish he would resign--but that's out of our control.

Thank you for listening and for your wonderful comments, Lisa!

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Alright thanks so much for your reply Will. I learned a lot as always. 💙

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You don’t order your allies at the store. Explains so much.

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deletedApr 17
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What are "the wrong ideas" he has about "getting to the end of the conflict"?

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deletedApr 17
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I would love for the Iranians not to bomb embassies. That would be great. Oh, you mean Israel? The building wasn't the embassy - it was a building near a consulate. There's a difference in scope and scale.

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