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Mar 20Liked by Will Selber

I really don’t understand how the generals can pin this on the state department for not evacuating in July/early August. Provisional capitals were already falling to the Taliban at that point. We didn’t want Kabul to fall too, and even if we had 2,500 boots on the deck like the generals wanted—many of whom wouldn’t be infantry or JSOC—the bulk of the “guys with guns opposing the Taliban” would have been Afghan security forces. If the state department telegraphed early that America was hitting the “abandon ship!” button, would that have incentivized the Afghan security forces to hold the line or to evacuate as well? Had the state department began evacuations early, the Afghan security forces would have seen the writing on the wall and would start taking off their uniforms and abandoning outposts—enabling the Taliban to make it to Kabul on an even faster timeline.

Will, if it’d any consolation as to your 2008 tour, remember that DOD had its hands full in Iraq from 2003-2008 and Afghanistan was severely under-resourced during those years with a footprint of only like 10,000+ Americans there versus 180k+ in Iraq during the surge years from ‘04-‘08. Even if you had done things differently, the vacuum that Iraq created was always going to give Terry the breathing room to grow its size and shadow government footprint with the lack of footprint that ISAF had in Afghanistan during those crucial years. Fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time was our version of Hitler’s mistake of invading Europe and Russia at the same time. Logistics are like gold. The further and thinner you spread it, the weaker it gets.

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Thanks, Travis.

Always good to get your take.

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Mar 20Liked by Will Selber

You're one courageous soul. Couldn't be prouder of you. Sure, you made mistakes but you also did a lot of good. You were so much more knowledgeable than most of your peers with your numerous and long deployments plus your deep reading of the subject matter. We all make mistakes-- should have , could have, would've.-- you have been accountable for a very long time. The lack of leadership and the amount of politics at the top is so flawed and that made work at your level all the harder. It sounds like there was not much direction given and no consistency as there was so much turnover in theatre-- no way to fight a war or win as far as I can see as a civilian. It seems to me your role now is to shine the light on the lack of leadership and the flaws looking back so that the institution can learn from it. You have the chops to do that and don't let them off the hook by taking it all on yourself. Hold the mirror up but not just to you , turn it around so they can see themselves.

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It is dispiriting to read that Congress would only approve an additional 12,000 special visas to Afghan nationals who helped us instead of the 20,000 that Biden requested (still too low), when the numbers compared to the real number of people we left behind are so high.

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Mar 20Liked by Will Selber

This is an excellent analogy of humans greed and lust for power. I'm not pinning this on you, Sir. As you've already and are continuing to do with your clear, selfless admittions in the above article. Sadly, unbelievably sadly, there are two problems in this as well, as history shows us, the majority of people don't control the USA. They like to feel like they do. That makes it much simpler for them to a) return to their diversion du jour. b) listen to only the pop idol News presentation du jour c) actually not give AF.

I'm aware that there is a smaller segment of our neighbors who truly are mislead, and believe everything that our hired help and military tell us. I can't defend their beliefs, I can only wish them the best, and repeat my standard reply to those types and the conspiracy type of individual's...

Every single country has the exact type if government that it deserves to have.

And I'll add my take in humanity...

Humans ONLY real progress, since our beginnings, is the ability to live longer lives. All else is air conditioning.

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I identify with the "us" aspect in this, as in we are responsible. For me, it is a factor in my voting behavior, my means of contributing my say. For example, when Trump won there was some "not my president" stuff going on. I understood the pussy hats - that was legit protest, as the E. Jean Carroll case finally proves (to me). Now, I think a lot of this was blown up by the media and social media in particular. As for me, I was at home thinking, "Holy s**t, I'm responsible for this too." We all are in a democracy, and it doesn't matter if you didn't vote for the winner. People forget this.

So perhaps that has something to do with it as well - four administrations, a pandemic, and political trauma since 2016, added to intense polarization and their cumulative effect on us. In short, plenty of places to cast blame. But as with Trump, I ask myself how I am also to blame, again because we all share blame. For me, I'm going to keep this more in my thoughts in deciding on candidates, share with others, and perhaps write a letter to Thom Tillis. He's one of my Senators here in NC and has not hopped on board the crazy train, plus he's usually level-headed on military issues.

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Unless Tillis has changed; I never know with Republicans anymore. Right now in NC, we have a full-on candidate for governor who says that women should not be allowed to vote. Seriously. We gave you Madison Cawthorne, too (you're welcome).

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Thank you so much dear Will. Your post truly touched me. I don't know much about our Military except I have read every single Tom Clancy book and I also have a pretty severe case of PTSD as a sexual assault survivor. (More than once)

Most of the time of time I manage to channel my fear and anger into action as a Political activist but I still struggle with the depression and anxiety daily. So I get it. Be kind to yourself.

I pray that that President Biden hears you and your fellow Vets pleas so you all can get some resolution and heal from this awful nightmare. You certainly all deserve it. I'm so so sorry you lost so many friends. Our Nation owes you all a huge debt of gratitude. Keep writing too. You have a gift. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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so (a) I hope you've got a great support system. You're hip deep in the worst kind of shit and it wears on the soul. This is the kind of dissonance between our values and actions that IMHO has been a major driver of the depression and anxiety that pervades our society. And (2) I really appreciate your voice. Ryan Crocker is one of the few others that I've heard really dig into all the implications of our exit from Afghanistan. The Bulwark is hosting this new podcast called 'Shield of the Republic' and it would be so interesting to have your perspective added to their conversation.

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I have deep admiration for Ambassador Crocker.

I never miss a Shield episode.

Per, a, thanks for your concern. Believe me, I fully admit my mental health issues (it’s part of my jam) and see, have seen, will forever see therapists, shrinks, etc for my combat PTSD, Moral Injury, and TBIs.

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Your voice is so strong! We all must reflect on ‘should haves and wish we didn’ts’ because that is how we know and grow! Each of us wants redos and our soul needs accountability. Good news- even with all of our missteps, we can make a difference!

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Will, please keep writing.

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