I don't see even a remote effort at unity. I say this as a NJ boy who was born in Paterson, went to HS in Passaic and art school in Newark. These are all majority minority cities now and all experienced riots in the mid 1960s.

So it is that the president wants to force schools to whitewash our history of slavery. Conservatives were outraged at the 1619 project and crafted an alternate vision via their project 1776 which iwas nothing more than an attempt to avoid the implications of slavery.

The 1619 project was a reminder about how slavery impacted far more than just the big plantations. Thus is NJ during the colonial era we had laws that limited the travel of slaves (also of Indians) without a pass - this is similar to what the law was in the South. Even after the US became a nation, in NJ you would see ads in newspapers offering a reward for an escaped slave. NJ had slaves in small numbers up until 1865.

For some reason this annoyed conservatives and the new executive order wants to force the states not to discuss it. But how do you teach about this period? And what about those descended from slaves, so most African Americans and many from the Caribbean.

I have watched the BS about unity - so if Obama told us some folks were not happy about the status quo he was a divider. The BS continues.

*** Addendum. I do not think that this writer's hope for unity is BS. Sorry that was not my intention. I worry that one party has found it easy to say that an honest complaint or observation hurts American unity but that lying about our past enhances unity.

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Hi Terry - Emalee Mahr is speaking from a vantage of someone who has seen her friends deploy repeatedly only to see us lose wars repeatedly. She's hoping for unity and peace. And so do I, because as servicemembers we're not as hip to the latest and greatest on the domestic political front and usually focus on national security issues. Thanks for reading!

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I saw her hope for unity and truth to tell don't discount that at all. My reaction is (I guess) influenced by an Exec Order that is essence tells schools to be careful if they dare discuss our complex history. So... for me - well the attempt at unity is over. I did not serve (I was a vietnam era person who had a high draft number. ) I wish for peace and would love unity. So not arguing against. But... I have volunteered as a scout leader, soccer coach, choir singer and spent 10 years volunteering at a national park - over 400 hours per year. Retired now - wife near bed ridden, son ok. I feel as much dismissed by our current president as the least member of the electorate. Angry when conservatives celebrate the flag but shit on me. PS - never worked for govt. Did ok. But.. now, well sorry - I don't dismiss the blogger's words or wishes. But I am tired of folks thinking that guys like me are liberals who they can dismiss as from the other America. Maybe mine is despair too.

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We celebrate all vantage points at GCV. And we encourage all our readers to engage with our articles. Emalee Mahr served under my command, brief as it was. Nevertheless, I've never seen a more professional SNCO in my life. Like she was so squared away that it made me feel inferior. LOL.

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Yes, that was a great piece and I, too, would love to believe Trump could be a Unifier but I know better. His policies don't reflect that. When he talks about how immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country" and then revokes one of our Nation's greatest Hero's Security Clearance all because he got his feelings hurt, I know he will never be able to unify this Country. We are going down a very dark road and it's going to get much worse before it gets better again. We must stay positive though. You're right about that!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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