My voting pattern mirrors yours, but that said I can't go full Democrat, there's just too many basic principles on which I disagree with them. So I'll just stake out my position as a center right Independent (I left the Republican Party after Trump's hostile takeover of it and so many of its members turned into authoritarian-loving, power-hungry, spineless sycophants). Am voting for Harris, though it's more a vote against Trump. When did we become of country where a huge plurality of the population are gullible, anti-science, conspiracy-believing, pro-dictator rubes? And is that sustainable? Doubtful.

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Also, what with his collusion & suck up to the enemies of the US (Russia & DPRK) and his stealing of classified documents and storing them at Mar-a-Lago and who knows where else, Trump is a flat out traitor.

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Amen he sure is!!

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I'm a registered Democrat, or if you prefer, one of those so called "enemies of the people."

My views on Liz Cheney have taken a 180. Certain situations can wake us up to the true dangers our country faces, and I'm glad she and the other prominent Republican women speaking up against Trump are on the same side.

My only prediction about this election is that Trump's loss, if it happens, will be due in great part to US women. Not just the prominent Republicans who've torpedoed their careers to speak out but to the unknown millions (like me) who share their revulsion.

This election isn't just about us, either. The whole world is watching, as this editorial from Ohio demonstrates. My partner had a similar experience while spending a couple of months in England with his daughter, who lives there. https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/10/22/we-went-to-ireland-to-escape-the-stress-of-politics-but-europeans-very-nervous-about-america-too

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JVL summarized my opinion about Kamala Harris perfectly:

On Kamala Harris: I am not in the Yass Queen camp. My view is that Kamala is a standard-issue, ambitious politician and that she might be a good president, or a bad president, or a middling president. There’s no real way to know ahead of time. I do not have any illusions about her being a savior.

But consider the alternative...

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It's also OK to be a Liz Cheney Independent. Or a Liz Cheney Hoping-For-a- Party-to-Return-to-One-Day.

I started life as a Democrat, but after I noticed the level of rot and crap in both parties, I can never call myself a member of one again.

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Great analysis Will. Love it!! I left the GOP in 2008 after the financial meltdown, the debacle of Katrina and the Iraq War. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are my heroes too. I could sleep at night if either one of them were Presidents and could easily Vote for either of them. We need to get back to a Country again with two healthy political Parties. Somehow. Funny you liked Jon Huntsman. I always admired him. Another wonderful piece Will. I will use your tips these last two weeks. Believe it or not I still have one friend who is undecided. Yikes.


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