Will, your passion around Afghanistan is one of the main reasons I follow your writing. I love the storytelling and raw honesty and passionate advocacy for veterans and co-laborers, but what pulled me in was knowing there are others who are just as filled with rage about people like Haqqani and our country's foreign policy sins.

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Our country is off the rails if we let this guy walk around moving at will and in plain view enjoying his travels and power openly. Speechless.

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Holy Sh@#. I just don't know what to say Will. Shock, appalled, disgusted. Doesn't quite cover it.

I will however include a protest and question why in my weekly letter to the Administration. Don't know how much good it will do but damn it this is BS of the highest Order!!!

Why is this man still walking around free?!! It is an insult to every single one of you!!! He is evil personified. He makes Trump look like a Choirboy. God help us all. 🙏🏻💔🇺🇸💙

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