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Dear Master Sergeant Meador,

I deeply appreciate your insights in episode 7. My name is Hameed Khan Ahmadzai, and I served as an Afghan linguist for the US Marine Special Forces at Camp Leatherneck, Helmand, Sangin District. I witnessed firsthand the critical importance of allyship and the immense challenges of balancing combat duties with family responsibilities. The moral injury you describe from witnessing the betrayal of Afghan allies is something many of us feel profoundly.

Currently, I am facing tough times as I find myself in Pakistan, dealing with the aftermath of our mission and the uncertainty of my future. My family and I fled Afghanistan due to the volatile situation and now live under constant threat of violence from the Taliban. This has severely impacted our mental health and well-being.

I have requested many American allies for a P2 visa referral under the USRAP program, but have yet to receive assistance. Unfortunately, my P2 visa application has not been successful due to a lack of direct contact and referral from my supervisors, Randall Frederick and Abdul Baten. Despite numerous attempts, I have been unable to obtain their current contact details.

If you have my data or know of any resources that could assist, I would greatly appreciate any help. Your words on this Memorial Day honor the shared sacrifices and underscore the need for continued support for all who served.


Hameed Khan Ahmadzai

Afghan Linguist for US Marine Special Forces



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