Thank you Will. I hope you are able to enjoy Christmas this year. It's been a rough year for so many. I'm in the "Bah Humbug" state myself but am taking it one day at a time for now. Trying not to think about next month and trying to stay grateful for the small things

I'm surprised but not shocked at the new revelations coming out about JB. Awful!! Thank you for always educating me. It breaks my heart that so many of our Vets are suffering so badly. 💔 Thanks so much for all you do.

I'm so thankful this last year brought me here. Hopefully 2025 won't be as bad as we think. Much love and respect. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Simple minded

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Am I missing something? I read that "Biden was hard to reach" and had "good days and bad days" and that the trump Times headline reads "deminised state".

The USA meeting with the enemy is on par for our country. After Nam, we Peasants are just as responsible for this last 20 years of murdering one another by allowing another unwinnable war to follow the previous unwinnable war. For a modern day total of 40 plus years of War, allowing our youngest adults to be killed, or severely injured. And then murdering innocent civilians caught up in an attack from a foreign invasion of their homeland because we can't remain in our own lane, and feel superior enough to require countries to act as we act. Or allow our hired help in DC to lay blame wrongly, then rehire those same Humans. Our love and fascinating of violence is apparent with the violent, made up, edited stories of a war loving god in nice book form, with embossed, gold leaf lettering bling on its cover.

Could the world turn everything over to the gals, please? I'm fairly confident it's past due for their turn at it now. We men have had more than enough centuries of practice surely! 3.9 million dead from Nam and a continuous guessing game of death toll for the past 20 years of horror.... Perhaps our high number of mass school shootings will educate our youth to care even less.

Teach The Childrn Well.

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So if we had just “stayed in our lane” 9-11 wouldn’t have happened?

Go read anything about UBL and you’ll quickly learn that these Noam Chomsky talking points are absurd.

Further, as someone who fought in Afghanistan, having the president in a diminished state while Americans are being killed is an enormous problem, made worse by nobody ever saying anything.

Joe Biden has dishonored himself, my friends, and those Gold Star parents.

Feel free to turn it “over to the gals” - which couldn’t happen in Afghanistan bc Joe Biden turned it over to people who are gang raping women.

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