Credit where it is due - T. Rump arranged the surrender in Afghanistan. President Biden executed it (badly, as it happens) and refuses to clean up the mess because... We have met the enemy and he/she is us. Anyone who voted for either T. Rump or Biden is complicit - get over it. I imagine that President Biden would be able to do better in a second term if he was not crippled by a divided Congress - elections have consequences.
Given the recent immunity decision there is no legal reason for President Biden to be timid regarding aid for our allies in Afghanistan. He could take measures by Executive Order if he desired without regard for legal consequences. The political calculus is not favorable, however, if a Demopublican is elected in November and is presented with a majority in both House and Senate - see concluding sentence above. Vote accordingly, keep up the pressure in the meantime.
Who put that comic of Biden in your article? God damn it Trump is the one who sold out Afghanistan to the Taliban. He wanted the Taliban leaders to visit Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11!! What the hell is wrong with you?
Nothing is wrong with me. Like many of my peers in this arena, I’m well-aware that Trump and Biden share equal blame for what has happened in Afghanistan in recent years. The comic was chosen because it reflects the tone of the current administration, which has watched women’s rights utterly degrade on Afghanistan since the withdrawal and offered them no meaningful assistance.
More importantly: a core tenet over at GCV+F is “dissent, with respect.” I’d ask that you keep that in mind with future comments, because it undermines the integrity of the point you’re trying to make and frankly, this is not a space for keyboard bullies.
Then distribute the blame accordingly. I’m sick and tired of Trump getting away with this debacle and Biden getting all the blame. A another “core tenant” should be honesty.
And what exactly is Biden supposed to do…go back to war there?
Sir, this is an article about the forcible rape and torture of an Afghan woman in Taliban custody, which was then videotaped and distributed. If your primary concern here is the comic used, then your voice serves no purpose but to distract from the things that truly matter. The focus is not on blame, but solutions. Blocked.
Biden can clear out the visa bottleneck TODAY that is preventing eligible Afghans from reaching safety in the U.S. He just doesn't do it because--politics. I'm sorry, but those of us, like Kate, who know firsthand what is happening in the aftermath of the shamefully botched withdrawal Biden ordered will not tolerate both-sides-ism.
It was Biden who left the men and women, and their children, behind who had risked their lives to aid our troops in Afghanistan. It is the Biden administration that presides over the visa bottleneck that keeps families that were separated during the botched evacuation from being reunited in the U.S. I know one of these families personally. The teenage daughter, who was not allowed onto the flight with her parents and younger siblings because the family had more children than the "quota" allowed, has not been outside the house, let alone in school, since the Taliban took over. The fear is exactly what Kate describes: kidnapping, forced marriage, or even worse.
trump is very much to blame for the catastrophe in Afghanistan. But Biden also has a great deal to answer for. Where are the visas that can rescue those who helped us and are now stranded in Afghanistan, living in fear every single day? Why, in the face of a foreseeable trump reelection, are these visas not being pumped out by the plane load?
Credit where it is due - T. Rump arranged the surrender in Afghanistan. President Biden executed it (badly, as it happens) and refuses to clean up the mess because... We have met the enemy and he/she is us. Anyone who voted for either T. Rump or Biden is complicit - get over it. I imagine that President Biden would be able to do better in a second term if he was not crippled by a divided Congress - elections have consequences.
Given the recent immunity decision there is no legal reason for President Biden to be timid regarding aid for our allies in Afghanistan. He could take measures by Executive Order if he desired without regard for legal consequences. The political calculus is not favorable, however, if a Demopublican is elected in November and is presented with a majority in both House and Senate - see concluding sentence above. Vote accordingly, keep up the pressure in the meantime.
End of rant, wave as you fly over.
The Question is Do What? That Train has left the station, long ago.
Who put that comic of Biden in your article? God damn it Trump is the one who sold out Afghanistan to the Taliban. He wanted the Taliban leaders to visit Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11!! What the hell is wrong with you?
Nothing is wrong with me. Like many of my peers in this arena, I’m well-aware that Trump and Biden share equal blame for what has happened in Afghanistan in recent years. The comic was chosen because it reflects the tone of the current administration, which has watched women’s rights utterly degrade on Afghanistan since the withdrawal and offered them no meaningful assistance.
More importantly: a core tenet over at GCV+F is “dissent, with respect.” I’d ask that you keep that in mind with future comments, because it undermines the integrity of the point you’re trying to make and frankly, this is not a space for keyboard bullies.
Then distribute the blame accordingly. I’m sick and tired of Trump getting away with this debacle and Biden getting all the blame. A another “core tenant” should be honesty.
And what exactly is Biden supposed to do…go back to war there?
Sir, this is an article about the forcible rape and torture of an Afghan woman in Taliban custody, which was then videotaped and distributed. If your primary concern here is the comic used, then your voice serves no purpose but to distract from the things that truly matter. The focus is not on blame, but solutions. Blocked.
You’ve been blocked.
If you have a problem with that, I’m happy to meet you anywhere and I will talk to you about to one on one:
And i guarantee that you won’t like the results.
Joe Biden took a Bad Deal and Made It Worse! That's Why!
Biden can clear out the visa bottleneck TODAY that is preventing eligible Afghans from reaching safety in the U.S. He just doesn't do it because--politics. I'm sorry, but those of us, like Kate, who know firsthand what is happening in the aftermath of the shamefully botched withdrawal Biden ordered will not tolerate both-sides-ism.
It was Biden who left the men and women, and their children, behind who had risked their lives to aid our troops in Afghanistan. It is the Biden administration that presides over the visa bottleneck that keeps families that were separated during the botched evacuation from being reunited in the U.S. I know one of these families personally. The teenage daughter, who was not allowed onto the flight with her parents and younger siblings because the family had more children than the "quota" allowed, has not been outside the house, let alone in school, since the Taliban took over. The fear is exactly what Kate describes: kidnapping, forced marriage, or even worse.
trump is very much to blame for the catastrophe in Afghanistan. But Biden also has a great deal to answer for. Where are the visas that can rescue those who helped us and are now stranded in Afghanistan, living in fear every single day? Why, in the face of a foreseeable trump reelection, are these visas not being pumped out by the plane load?