Grumpy Combat Veteran + Friends
Stories From My Brothers: Tales of the Afghan Security Forces
A Lion for Afghanistan

A Lion for Afghanistan

LTG Haibitullah Alizai's Incredible Story of Courage and Sacrifice

In this week’s episode, we speak with LTG Haibitullah Alizai, who commanded multiple Afghan National Army corps, including the Special Operations Corps. Like his father, whom Co-Founder Will Selber advised in 2014, Haibitullah served in both the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Defense, climbing to the top position in the Afghan National Army. Haibituallah is an incredible leader and warrior.

Come learn from America’s newest hero.

Grumpy Combat Veteran + Friends
Stories From My Brothers: Tales of the Afghan Security Forces
Over 70,000 Afghans were killed serving in the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, and the National Directorate of Security. These are their stories.
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Will Selber