Jun 24Liked by Will Selber

Will, just found your substack and really appreciate your candor. Save travels and Gig 'Em!!

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Thanks, brother.

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The recommended piece by Lawrence Freedman is indeed first-rate. There's no one better than Freedman in the strategic studies field. No b.s.

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Total agreement.

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Fascinating portrait of your long time ally. I would have loved to know him.

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Oh Will. My heart aches for you at times. A lot. For the Bandit too and all the Afghans we so horribly abandoned.

I'm reading an incredible book right now called "The Women" by Kristen Hannah. About the Nurses of the Viet Nam war. It is brutal and tragic. It's breaking my heart. I think of you and your friends often while reading. War is HELL. There are no other words necessary but those. Take care of yourself please. You are so needed in this world. And respected as all get out. 💔🇺🇸💙

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This reminds me of the source of ours (yours you cultivated but mine that he called begging through the interpreters for help). 3 nights in a row with the same request, similar to Ukrainian President Zelensky’s infamous response to Biden’s offer of asylum, “I need ammo, not a ride.” Our source begged not for use to rescue him or to even protect him. He asked to be armed so that he could protect himself. Each night the same plea… help me kill those who are coming to kill me. Until the fourth night when comms “went black.” He. Was. Dead. He knew it was coming. And we were helpless, bound purely by policy and regulation to leave him that at risk. We wanted to be good partners but our system, the bureaucracy made us bad partners. We should debate this policy tonight during the presidential debate. But we will hear nothing of those Afghans who trusted us, who put their entire families at risk for us, that we surrender on their behalf and abandoned them. At best, they will get lumped into a single question of “illegal immigration” because as asylum seekers they are often lumped under that umbrella term. That’s the closest the debate will get; a red herring.

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Will, Great post. I hope you’re able to get Gen G out. We all owe him a lot. I am shamed by our abject immorality and cruelty in abandoning our allies. Dick Kavey

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